Many of you have asked about the Turkey Party this year and I've been praying about what to do, thinking about it, having family meetings and have made a decision that I'd like to share with you all and hope that you will be as excited about this year's event as I am!
This year, the 10th year of the Turkey Party, will be a bit different than in years past. We're taking it back to the beginning - the idea of simply providing turkeys to people in need for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We're taking out the extraneous stuff - the party at my house, the appetizers, the raffle, etc. and just making it about collecting frozen turekys for the Redwood Gospel Mission.
On November 17th, instead of bringing your frozen turkeys to my house, bring them to New Life Christian Fellowship - 1310 Clegg Street in Petaluma. This year the event will be called - The Two Ton Turkey Challenge!! Last year we collected over one ton of turkeys here at my house and think that we can do even better this year with the help and involvement of the folks at New Life and friends from the neighborhood and surrounding community!
New Life's services are at 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. We'll be collecting turkeys all throughout the day on the 17th, from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm, so even though we'd LOVE to have you attend a service at New Life, you won't have to!
Please save the date - mark your calendars, tell you friends and family, forward this message on and share it on social media and bring a FROZEN turkey, (or two, or more) to New Life on Sunday, November 17th!!
This event certainly isn't intended to be exclusive to those regularly attending New Life, the church is just the perfect spot for collecting turkeys throughout the day. Hope to see you on the 17th!! If you have any questions, please let me know!
Thank you so much and Happy Thanksgiving!!