2013 marks the 10th year of the Turkey Party! We're shooting for 2 tons of turkey for the Redwood Gospel Mission this November. The "price" of admission is a frozen turkey, which is donated to the Mission, who uses them for both the Mission's own Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and distributes them throughout the community. The 2013 Turkey Party is November 17th from 9:00 - 6:30 pm at New Life Christian Fellowship, 1310 Clegg Street in Petaluma.
Friday, August 13, 2010
We have a 2010 Date!
Wow! What a great year 2009 was! We collected over 2,000 pounds of turkey that went to feed those in need a delicious Thanksgiving dinner! We are so very excited to begin the process of planning this year's Turkey Party! I know it seems early, but we wanted to get a "Save the Date" notice out there for November 14, 2010 from 3 - 5:30 pm. Save the date, let all of your friends and family know, we are off and rolling for a successful Turkey Party this year.