Can you believe it! 5 days until the Turkey Party!
Come one and come all! Bring frozen turkeys!
Enjoy yummy food!
And on that note, I would like to thank our amazing, wonderful, generous, fabulous donors, without whom we would not have nearly as successful an event.
They are: Dempsey's, Cucina Paradiso, Water Street Bistro, Wild Goat Bistro, Bovine Bakery, Cattlemen's, Mary's Pizza Shack, Lily Kai, Velasco's, Bianchini's, Beyond the Glory, Spring Hill Cheese, Oliver's Markets, G & G and Lucky's! Wow! You all are wonderful and we appreciate you more than you know!
I also wanted to link you to the Press Release written by the Redwood Gospel Mission about the Turkey Party and other fall events! Turkeys in the House
See you all soon and most of all, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Without you, bringing your turkeys and enjoying this event, people in this county would go without a holday meal. We cannot let that happen. So, thank you again for being a part of this.