Thursday, October 18, 2012

Check Out What's New!

Sometimes Weddings Give Gifts Beyond the Obvious!

Last weekend I attended the wedding of dear friends.  It was a beautiful ceremony, full of love and family and friends!  Everything a wedding ought to be.  In addition to the wonderful wedding, the food was absolutely yummy!  I met the caterer, Jimmy of Jimmy's Catering and congratulated him on pulling off a difficult task - delicious buffet food!  And next thing you know - he is one of our wonderfully generous donors!  Come to the Turkey Party, now I KNOW the food will be scrumptious!  In addition to Jimmy's Catering, we are also proud, excited and humbled to announce that Chelino's Restaurant and Wild Goat Bistro are joining in!  We've also added a new vendor this year!  The Veggie Bed Company!  This company provides an eco friendly alternative to those plastic produce bags!  Take a moment to check out their website on the right side of this blog! Please add the Turkey Party to your calendar - you don't want to miss this!  We are looking forward to seeing you and your frozen turkeys on the 11th!