2013 marks the 10th year of the Turkey Party! We're shooting for 2 tons of turkey for the Redwood Gospel Mission this November. The "price" of admission is a frozen turkey, which is donated to the Mission, who uses them for both the Mission's own Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and distributes them throughout the community. The 2013 Turkey Party is November 17th from 9:00 - 6:30 pm at New Life Christian Fellowship, 1310 Clegg Street in Petaluma.
Friday, November 9, 2012
A New Restaurant Joins In!
I can't even begin to tell you how emotional this week has been for me. It started out with an email I received from someone who's life has been touched by The Turkey Party in the past and how grateful he is for you all - you who come and bring turkeys, shop the vendors and support the wonderful work of the Redwood Gospel Mission. Yes, the email was sent to me, but without you, there is absolutely nothing I can do - without God, there is truly nothing I can do. But with Him, I can - we can do ALL things! And this Sunday we are going to do a wonderful thing - we are going to feed people! And today, at the first "turkey event" of this weekend at Harvest Christian School I met a young man who's life is being changed, renewed, restored! The Redwood Gospel Mission's rehab program is amazing and God is so present there, changing hearts and lives! So excited to support such an amazing Mission! Tell your friends and family! We can do amazing things this weekend!